SAM Splint Adult

SAM splint Adult packed flat orange and blue

SKU: SP1121F
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SAM splint Adult

The SAM Splint is a versatile medical tool widely used in Australia for adult patients requiring emergency immobilization of fractures and soft tissue injuries. This lightweight, compact, and reusable splint is made from a thin core of aluminum alloy, sandwiched between two layers of closed-cell foam. Its unique design allows it to be molded into various shapes to stabilize almost any bone in the body, making it an essential item in first aid kits for both professional and recreational use.

In the Australian context, the SAM Splint is particularly valuable in remote and rural areas where immediate medical assistance may not be readily available. It can be used in outdoor settings such as hiking or camping trips, as well as in urban environments. The splint’s ability to be cut with ordinary scissors to fit different sizes and its radiolucent property, which allows X-rays to be taken without removing the splint, enhance its practicality.

Overall, the SAM Splint's reliability, ease of use, and adaptability make it an indispensable tool for managing injuries in diverse Australian settings, ensuring better outcomes in emergency medical situations.

Weight: 0.132 kg
Dimensions: 91x11x0.5 cm
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